
Eastern Region

History of the church in the Region:

The first church of God in the region was started in Kenya in Karatina, Nyeri district on 13th May, 1977 under the leadership of Francis Gachara. The first missionary National Overseer was called Claudea. It is currently known as the New Testament Church of God under the leadership of David Gilbert Bwire who is the fifth National Overseer.

Currently, the church of God has now spread to nine countries within the Eastern Africa Region namely:

  • Kenya
  • Ethiopia
  • Southern Sudan
  • Tanzania
  • Uganda
  • Zanzibar
  • Burundi

Highlights and projects:

There are several projects that are benefiting many people across the Region namely the sewing projects in Eastern Congo, the NMC building in Ethiopia, St Patrick Secondary School in Rwanda, several orphanage homes and schools.

Discipleship College in Eldoret

However, the Discipleship College in Eldoret cannot go unnoticed as it has had the most significant impact across the Region and beyond. This is the Regional Bible College which is located in Kenya. Through its TOT and CIMS programs, there has been;

  • Improved leadership skills
  • Improved unity as leaders from various countries across the Region
  • The former students are now teachers of other leaders at the set up National Bible schools.


Charles Karangwa


Charles & Anne

Charles Karangwa was born on June 1, 1957 in Makindye, Uganda. After completing his school career in 1976 he was trained as a medicine dispenser and teacher. in 2000 he enrolled with the European Theological Seminary in Germany where he pursued his B.A. degree in theological studies. in 2016 he graduated with a Master’s Degree in Christian leadership at Asian School of Christian Ministry in Manila, Philippines through their extension program in Lusaka, Zambia. 

Charles is married to Anne and they have four children. He became a born-again Christian in 1976 at the age of 19 while in high school, during the reign of Idi Amin. In 1980 he became vigorously involved in the underground church because freedom for worship was restricted. During these times he received a call to serve the Lord while involved in rigorous prayer and fasting. He joined the Church of God in 1984 after the restoration of freedom of worship in Uganda,

Charles Karangwa served as pastor in Uganda from 1990 to 2000. in 2003 after his theological studies in Germany, he returned to Uganda and began a Bible School, which has continued to run to date. In 2004-2008, he was appointed by Church of God World Missions to serve as National Overseer of Rwanda. Later in 2006 he combined his post with that of CE Coordinator for Eastern Africa region where he became involved in training other ministers in Ministerial formation and CIMS programs.

in 2009 the Church of God World Missions appointed him to serve as Regional Superintendent for Central Africa. Since 2022 he is now serving as Regional Superintendent for Easter Africa.


Statistics speak for themselves

churches incl missions


Francis Wamweya Nganga
National Overseer
Congregations: 224
Membership 11 015


Hiruy Tsige
National Overseer
Congregations: 164
Membership: 65987

Southern Sudan

National Overseer
Congregations: 119
Membership: 56 022


Timotheo Lutobola
National Overseer
Congregations: 676
Membership: 23 754


Fred Sembajwe
National Overseer
Chongregations: 685
Membership: 23592


Damas Neggo
National Overseer
Congregations: 8
Membership: 317


National Overseer
Congregations: 15
Membership: 482

Challenges and Vision for tomorrow

The Church of God in Eastern region deserves to be at the high realm in terms of quality and growth. The Leadership of the church feels that this can be achieved.

Build a financially sound and spiritually mature church.

Mobilze and motivate leadership into working towards achieving financial self-reliance by involving the youth in viable projects inculcating discipleship formation through Christian Education and training programs.

  • Turn the church into a self-reliant body
  • Work towards elimination of spiritual immaturity
  • Making the church a role Model in helping the disadvantaged of society

See manifestations of:

  • Spiritual Fruit
  • Self-reliance
  • Care for Community
  • Discipleship
  • Church planting
  • Elimination of illitercay 
  • Youth empowerment


  • Train educated youth to reach and win the middle-class society in cities and towns through increased intake of students into our Bible Schools, Regional Schools and Training Centers.

  • Invite experts in agriculturaö project mamangment to tarin  our church members into maximum untilization of the land for profirts by growing easily marketable crops like fruit and vegetables, animal rearing like piggery and poultry, taking advantage of the good roads to reach the markets. 

  • Set up programs to train the urban youth in vocational training leading them to aquire skills in professionla car wash, car mechanics, brick laying, tailoring, and hair salons.

  • Organize seminars on regular basis to teach pastors on money managment and value of saving and encourage them to assertively teach the same to their members as well as the blessing that go with tithing as enshrined in the WOrd of God (Mal. 3: 8-12).

  • ALl apstors to promte regular intercessory prayer/fasting and intensify Bible Study in all Churches.

  • SEt aside a special timetable for püastors/elders to visit the hungry, disadvantaged class of societyto offer practical help. 

  • Reaching the unreached countries and groups like Djibouti, Somalia, Eritrea, and Khartoum.

  • Building permanent churches in the major cities of the various countries.

  • Raising leaders who will be able to transform the Region.

  • Empowering our members to own their church and work towards its growth and expansion both numerically and spiritually.

Find out how you can get involved?

The work of CoGWM – Africa can be supported by prayer!

For those who would like to support this ministry financially, can do so by sending their donations to Church of God World Missions –
Project: African Harvest #73 10273