
Christian Education | Ministerial Training

Jürgen Rudolph

Christian Education Coordinator for Africa

Jürgen Rudolph, born 1962 in Germany, is a credential minister with the Church of God (Cleveland, TN, USA) and currently serves as the Christian Education Coordinator for Africa.

Married with Ulrike since 1987, they have five wonderful children.
Many years ago, God called them to be missionaries to Africa.

Ulrike is a registered nurse. Jürgen’s professional background is in electrical engineering. With this practical hands-on ministry, he joined the technical team of Christ for all Nations in 1985, then headed by Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke. In Blantyre, Malawi, he witnessed more than 150,000 people attending a Gospel Campaign, which was at that time one of the largest gatherings the ministry experienced.

In 1989, the couple became associate missionaries with the Church of God Germany, assigned to serve in Tanzania for six years, together with the evangelistic ministry New Life Outreach, headed by Evangelist Egon Falk, where Jürgen headed the technical team and Ulrike helped manage a Correspondence Bible Training Program.

Seeing firsthand the great lack of training, teaching, and discipleship, God laid on Jürgen’s heart to enhance the teaching ministry by studying theology at the European Theological Seminary in Germany and the Pentecostal Theological Seminary in the USA where he earned a Master of Divinity in the year 2000.

The Church of God World Missions appointed Jürgen together with Ulrike first as Christian Education Coordinator for Eastern Africa (2000-2006), thereafter as Regional Superintendent for Eastern Africa (2006-2008), and since 2008 to date as the Christian Education Coordinator for Africa. He provides teaching, training and oversight over the various training institutions and programs of the Church of God in Africa.

Jürgen has been involved in ministering in 35 nations in Africa; teaching the Word of God, making disciples, and equipping leaders for the vast and growing harvest field. His greatest desire is to see that the church is equipped by leaders, who are called by God, and who have been properly discipled and trained for ministry, being able to train others (c.f. 2 Timothy 2:2).

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The work of CoGWM – Africa can be supported by prayer!

For those who would like to support this ministry financially, can do so by sending their donations to Church of God World Missions –
Project: African Harvest #73 10273