

Description and History of Church of God World Missions Africa

On May 11, 1938 the Cunard White Star Lines landed at Lobito Bay, Angola; on board Pearl and Edmond Stark, the first Church of God Missionaries to Africa (D.LeRoy n.d).

Through their Missionary efforts the Church of God established its first Missions base on the African continent, followed by Nigeria 13 years later on October 15, 1951 through Rex N. Green. However, it was only in the 1960s that the Church of God made a major thrust into Africa. Prior to that, through the amalgation with the Full Gospel Church in South Africa (today Full Gospel Church of God) on March 28, 1951 additional doors opened for the ministry of Church of God on the continent.

Today, through God’s blessings, His favour, and the dedicated labour of early Missionaries, committed National leaders and workers the church is  represented in 46 nations in Sub-Saharan Africa. 

Currently the Church of God is experiencing an intensive harvest of souls, (like other church movements on the continent) through which souls are swept into the Kingdom of God in areas that previously were  declared closed to the Gospel, or hard to enter. 

The Africa Council and the Regions

The ministry of CoGWM- Africa is divided into 6 regions, namely:

  • Central Region
  • Central Francophone region
  • Eastern region
  • Southern region
  • Western Anglophone region
  • Western Francophone region

The respective Regional Superintendents together with designated department heads form the Africa Council with the Field Director serving as Chairman.

Statistics speak for themselves


Peter A. Thomas

Field Director
CoGWM – Africa

Peter & Debbie

Peter was born in November 1953 in Mannheim Germany. In August 1972 he surrendered his life to Jesus thereby experiencing forgivness of his sins and deliverance from drug addiction. The same year, in November, God filled him with His Holy Spirit and in 1974, while at Bible School He called him into Ministry.  
In April 1979, Peter with his wife Deborah (Debbie) followed God’s call as Missionaries to Africa. On board a big containership they left from Marseille, France to Tema Ghana. While Debbie served as medical nurse at Essienimpong Clinic, Peter taught at Ghana Bible Institute (GBI) and pastored the City Church in Kumasi which was build as YWEA project during those years. For 1,5 years he served as interim National Overseer until they left Ghana in September 1983. 
In March 1984 Peter enrolled for studies at the Pentecostal Seminary in Cleveland TN. From there they left for Zimbabwe in August 1985 where Peter served as C.E. Coordinator for Central, Southern and Eastern Africa, developing a ministerial training programme for the regions and beyond. 
From 2006 to 2008 Peter served as Regional Superintendent for Central Region in addition to his appointment as CE Coordinator for Africa. At the COG General Assembly in 2008 he was appointed as Field Director for Africa and has served in this capacity since then.

Peter’s vision and desire for the church is to return to its prestine roots and life, and for its leadership to serve as true disciples of Jesus, following and emulating the Christ Leadership paradigm of servanthood.

Peter completed his MDiv 2006 and graduated with a DMin in April 2019 from the Pentecostal Theological Seminary in Clevelend TN.

Debbie, was born into a Christian family where she found Christ at the tender age of 6, and received God’s call for Africa as Missionary through a vision at the age of 11.
In preperation for her call she trained as nurse and midwive and enrolled at ETS for her theological training after her professional training. This is where she met Peter. 
Her professional training became the “door opener” for their first deploment as missionaries in Ghana. Since then she has served also as Mobile Clinic nurse in Zimbabwe and has been much involed in Ladies Ministries. Since 2008 she serves as chairlady of the Womens Ministry of CoG in Africa and as chief executive secretary for the office of the Field Director. 

While living in Ghana their daughter Sarah was born who now, together with her husband serve as Missionaries in Africa.

Francophone Countries



  1. To present the Gospel in the Power of Pentecost, and in the spirit of servanthood, with relevance to the African context of the 21st century.
  2. To emulate the ministry of Christ by reaching the lost, the sick, the bound and the socially disadvantaged with His compassion, love and His given spiritual authority.
  3. To strive towards financial self-reliance as partners in ministry and vision with Church of God World Missions.
  4. As disciples of Jesus Christ, to present and live the Gospel as a contrast society, thereby addressing social and economic challenges, such as tribal and social discrimination as well as corruption on all levels.

Mission Statement:

The Church of God in Africa is committed and dedicated to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ in the power of Pentecost and with the compassion of Christ to the unreached in urban centers, and in remote villages without discrimination, thereby ministering in the Spirit of Christ as Servants and not lords, to people on all levels of social standing, including the needy, the destitute, and the mariginalized, not neglecting the orphaned and widows; in order to win all people at all cost. 


  • Taking the gospel into areas where the name of Jesus has not been heard, thereby reaching the UPGS of Africa.
  • Impacting every nation in Africa through intentional concentrated prayer, emphasis on organic church planting, reaching and mobilzing the next generation (youth and children) .
  • Continuing to train and equip those called into ministry as well as every member in the Body of Christ to be effective laboureres in God’s vast harvest field.
  • Committing ourselves on every level towards completing the Great Commission before 2030/33
  • Uniting in effort by bundeling spiritual, human, and financial resources, supporting those in areas that are considered as gospel resistent.
Prayer & Harvest Summit Aug. 2023

We believe and affirm that prayer is necessary and foundational for life, ministry and the harvest (1 Thessalonians 5: 17; Luke 10: 2), and,

We believe and affirm that the Church of God in Africa has a divine calling which has been placed upon us by God almighty, and that we are anointed by the power of His Holy Spirit, and,

We understand that this calling includes following our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, into our communities (Heb. 13: 12, 13) as well as the rest of the world (Mt. 28: 18 – 20), and,

There is a need to continue teaching and demonstrating by example, the model of servant leadership lived and exemplified by Jesus Christ, and,

Joblessness and the poverty that accompanies it is a serious concern among our churches and members, and that we believe that God has not created us to be victims (Romans 8: 37), and that God has promised to bless His people so that we can be a blessing to others (Gen. 12: 2), and,

We can no longer depend on sources outside of Africa to provide for our needs, or to fulfill our destiny, understanding and believing that “God will supply all of our needs according to His riches in glory” (Philippians 4: 19), and,

Islam is pressing into Africa with violence and a determination to bring the people of the continent under Islamic domination, and,

We are engaged in a spiritual battle for the soul of the continent, seeing the power of God at work penetrating the hearts of Muslims with multitudes coming to Christ, demonstrating that Islam is not an unreachable harvest or an unbeatable giant, and,

The Church of God must expand and grow rapidly, without the infrastructure and costs of traditional facility-based approaches, and

We understand these new dynamics along with outreach into unreached regions and people groups requires a new approach using care ministries as access points and bridges in these challenging areas, and,

Social care alone is not sufficient, and that true care comes only through prayer which accesses the presence of God and the power of the Holy Spirit,

Be it therefore resolved that:
As Church of God in Africa, we will make our churches houses of prayer for the unreached people of the continent, appointing trained prayer leaders in every church, district, province, nation and region; and that this prayer be focused on the harvest.

Be it further resolved that:
We will establish a network of prayer across the continent, until every hour someone is praying for Africa and its harvest.

And be it further resolved that:
We will find, through prayer and dependence on God, ways and means to access the unreached harvest, and yet, knowing that care is not enough, we will partner prayer and care, praying for and loving the lost.

And be it further resolved that:
We will bless the Muslim people, the animist, and others who may be traditionally hostile to the gospel, that our posture will be that of peacemakers; taking the high ground of grace, praying for God to open doors and hearts.

And be it further resolved that:
We will share breakthrough strategies with one another; forming a task force to connect access ministry leaders to regularly pray, support and share with one another across nations, regions and the continent.

And be it further resolved that:
We will, by faith, proclaim, teach and live by the Biblical truth that Africa is no longer a powerless victim; that this is Africa’s hour on the stage of the world, demonstrating to all that God is working in, through and with us.

 And be it further resolved that:
We will find ways to fund business enterprises operated by our members, blessing them that they might in turn, bless Kingdom enterprises, believing and teaching that God’s desire is to bless us that we might be a blessing to others, and that we will work to see an employed, empowered membership; a tithing and giving missional people.

And be it further resolved that:
We will accept, confront and defeat the challenges arising in the coming years and decades, to include food shortages, housing, water, jobs, and any others arising; to be creative; feeding the poor, caring for the homeless, the orphan, widowed, infirmed, aged and injured – recognizing that only God can change a life, yet that He works through us to change the living conditions of those around us as a testimony of His love and power.

And be it further resolved that:
We will double our efforts to reach the next generation with the gospel and a Pentecostal experience, conducting Youth and Children’s outreach ministries, endeavoring to provide discipleship training; recruiting and mentoring children and youth ministry leaders, and encouraging young people to follow their calling into ministry.

And be it further resolved that:
We strongly affirm that humility and a profound attitude of servanthood are undeniable requirements for all leadership positions and appointments in the Church of God Africa, and that this is the leadership model found in Scripture and demonstrated by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to followed by all.

And be it further resolved that:
We will purposefully pray for a spiritual awakening from Cairo to Cape Town, from Tohen to Dakar; to see the continent of Africa come under the mighty hand of God.

Be it also resolved that:
We will pray aggressively for both the long and short-term harvest of Africa, petitioning God for a tithe of the population of Africa: 250 million souls by 2050.

An be it finally resolved that:
We will, with God’s help and empowerment, arise and embrace our destiny as a global leader in the Christian faith; declaring that God has never failed us, and that we will not fail Him!



Find out how you can get involved?

The work of CoGWM – Africa can be supported by prayer!

For those who would like to support this ministry financially, can do so by sending their donations to Church of God World Missions –
Project: African Harvest #73 10273

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